Dear Friends and Colleagues,
At the heart of the ICC activities lies the International Cereal and Bread Congress ICBC, which takes place every four years, and which involves numerous cereal scientists, technologists, millers, bakers, ingredients, and equipment suppliers around the globe.
After stops in Beijing, Istanbul and a virtual New Zealand, in April 2024 the cosmopolitan community gathers in France, in Nantes, the green city on the Loire, to discuss and share knowledge on the challenges and opportunities of grain science and technology. INRAE, France´s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment with its science dedicated to life, humans and the earth is providing its competence together with ICC, the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology to organize and frame an unforgettable event for the global cereal community.
The 17th ICBC wishes to promote: “Healthy Cereal Diets from Sustainable Food Systems” as there is an urgent need for keeping the food systems within environmental limits. Food-system demand for environmental resources could increase by 50-90% without targeted mitigation measures. Key planetary boundaries could be exceeded by 2050, risking destabilization of ecosystem (EAT-Lancet Commission).
Cereals are the main staple foods for humankind and represent a very large input of animal feed. They are at the heart of food systems. Synergistic combination of improvements in technologies and management, reductions in food loss and waste, and dietary changes towards healthier diets, are needed to stay within environmental limits.
Most of the questions can be addressed to cereal products, but also to pulses and to their associations with cereals and other plant productions.
The conference addresses scientists and representatives of the industry and academia from all over the world, bringing together experts of different areas of cereal science, including plant breeding, agronomy, food chain systems, food (bio)chemistry, human health and nutrition, cereal technology, milling and bakery, food processing, quality and safety analysis and professionals who would like to get up-to-date with modern technology and to establish international collaboration.
Marketing, storage and development of innovative cereal products, that meet consumer needs (added values in terms of convenience, taste, nutrition and health, safety and security) as well as the use of new raw materials/ingredients and new technologies, the production of functional foods and the regulatory framework, and alternative uses of cereals will be topics of the congress.
All stakeholders along the food chain are called to support this event by contributing with their expertise and sharing the results of their work in oral and poster presentations as well as panel discussions and table-top exhibitions. Exhibitors and sponsors are welcome and will complement the oral and poster presentations by providing very practical and market-orientated looks into the field.
“Completely without compass or preconceived ideas, ready to be amazed at any time” this is how you can discover Nantes and it´s tradition in art exhibitions in the greenery. In this spirit we are looking forward to meeting you with an inspiring, open and knowledge-connecting atmosphere at the 17th International Cereal and Bread Congress in Nantes!

Luc Saulnier
Chair of the Scientific Committee
INRAE-Nantes, France

Veronika Haslinger
Chair of the Organizing Committee
ICC, Austria

Bertrand Matthaeus
ICC President

Dhan Bhandari
ICC President Elect
Gerhard Schleining
ICC Past President